Texts about Indology and Philosophy

Here you find somewhat more serious texts that cover the subject science and religion, too. There are small translations which I had to do during the study of Indology, but also summaries and my own views of certain philosophies or religions.

| The Instruction of the Buddha |

| The Crows and the Snake |

Stories and other Small Matters

Here you find, steadily growing, a collection of small fictional (micro) stories, poems and philosophical thoughts. Some older texts are present here, but they do not really fit recent styles and their breaches. Actually, a development (especially among recent, maybe continuing texts) ought to be shown. I leave the judgement about a similarity with the philosophy of Helge Schneider to the readers. Note : The stories You can load here are pure fiction. Every similarity with real events, existing things or persons is pure coincidence.

| The Voracious Attack |

| The Amok Run |

| Terminal Station |

| The Life of the Lottery Winner |

| The Life of the Lottery Winner (2) |

| The Life of the Lottery Winner (3) |

| The Army Bread and his 3 Emperor Rolls |

To be continued...